Wednesday 13 March 2019

Yoga: Four reasons why it’s an exercise for everyone

For many people, the image a yoga class conjures up is one of supple, flexible people contorting themselves in all kinds of way. However, that’s pretty far from the case these days and with a greater uptake in yoga, more and more people are realizing that it is an exercise for everyone.

Despite some common misconceptions about yoga, it is not necessarily about being flexible, it is more about building overall body strength. That’s why it doesn’t matter if you weigh 100 or 200 pounds, you will find yoga beneficial to you. Still not convinced? Here are four reasons why yoga is an exercise for all.

1. It is more about the mind than the body. Yes, it is about getting into poses, but it also about concentrating the mind and focusing on your inner self.

2. It can be used to undo the damage of mental conditions such as depression and anxiety. It has been discovered that yoga can actually help stimulate the growth of gray matter in your brain, getting your brain in good shape to deal with whatever comes your way.

3. There are different kinds of yoga which don’t just focus on flexibility. Many are concerned with building physical strength while others concentrate on breathing and meditation in order to achieve balance and inner peace.

4. Yoga classes have different levels, from beginner to intermediate to expert. If you have never experienced yoga before, you will find instructors patient and encouraging. Knowing expects you to nail the praying mantis on the first day.

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